A Study on the Impact of Stock Market Volatility in India with Reference to Equity Investors
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The securitized investment which provides safety as well as liquidity for the investors in the current scenario because of the fluctuations happening in the stock market. The time horizon for trading is comparatively higher than stock market investment avenues, hence able to earn a good return by taking the right decision at the right time by analyzing the market, hence it is found that most of the equity investor prefer to invest in securities even though high volatility in stock market. The equity investor believed that stock market volatility is favorable to invest in infrastructure and automobile sector. The volatility is very high in the automobile sector is ranked at first among the BSE listed security followed by Infrastructure and FMCG having the highest volatility. Further, it concludes that the stock market volatility is impacting positively as well as negatively in order to make an investment decision.
Equity Investor, Impact, Investment and Decision, Liquidity, Stock Market, Volatility.
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