A Descriptive Study to Assess the Awareness of the Women Regarding Cervical Cancer
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In most of the developing countries including India, carcinoma of the cervix is the most common malignancy in the females. But, it is the easiest female cancer to prevent through screening using pap smear if people are aware of its early prevention. Therefore, a study was conducted to assess the awareness of women regarding cervical cancer and its association with selected variables. In view of the nature of the problem a descriptive approach and non-experimental research design was chosen for the study. The conceptual framework of the study was based on Betty Newman's Health system model. The study was conducted on a group of 300 women visiting Gynecology OPD of Guru Gobind Singh Medical College Hospital, Faridkot, Punjab. A Self structured interview schedule was used to assess the awareness of the women. The findings of the study showed that 37.7% of the women had adequate awareness while 62.3% were inadequately aware of cervical cancer. By using pearson's chi square as method of statistical analysis a significant association was found between awareness level of the women and their educational status, age at marriage, occupation, monthly family income, H/O menstrual disorder at p<0.05. This concluded that inspite of being the most common malignancy in the females, they are inadequately aware of it. Therefore awareness campaigns should be arranged to make the people aware of this dreadly but preventable disease.
Cervical Cancer, Incidence, Pap Smear, Awareness.
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