Effect of Unsupported Upper Limb Endurance Training Versus Lower Limb Endurance Training in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
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Back ground: This clinical trial was carried out to compare the effect of Unsupported upper limb endurance training (USULET) and Lower limb endurance training (LLET) in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
Subjects: 40 patients with COPD.
Method: All subjects were randomly assigned to either Group1: USULET or Group2: LLET. Both groups were assessed for six minute walk test distance (6MWTD)&quality of life (by chronic respiratory disease questionnaire - CRDQ) at baseline&after 6 weeks of endurance training program, as the outcome measures.
Results: Intra group comparison showed a statistically significant difference in 6MWTD&CRDQ score before and after the training program in both the groups. LLET as compared to USULET showed statistically significant improvement in 6MWTD, emotional and mastery score of CRDQ. However the dyspnoea&fatigue score of CRDQ showed equal improvements in both the groups
Conclusion: Both the training modes caused significant improvement in functional capacity&Quality of life, but LLET caused statistically significant improvement as compared to USLLET in functional capacity&emotional&mastery score of CRDQ.
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