A Study of Effects of Buteyko Breathing Technique on Asthmatic Patients
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Aim&Objective: The increasing prevalence of asthma is a global phenomenon. Prolonged hyperventilation causes a resetting of the body's acceptable level of carbon dioxide&allowing the respiratory system to maintain chronic over breathing. This larger volume of breathing is the primary element in producing asthma symptoms. Therefore, shallow breathing exercise, in the form of Buteyko Breathing Technique in asthmatic patients may be helpful in reversing hyperventilation&reducing symptoms.. So this study is design to evaluate the role of Buteyko breathing technique in improving the lung function, and relieve dyspnea in asthmatic subjects.
Methodology: This experimental study is based on the sample of 30 subjects with mean age of 30 years&diagnosed as having asthma. Patients with known causes of COPD and others respiratory problems were excluded. They were randomly divided into two groups. Group - A, comprising of 15 subjects were treated with Buteyko Therapy and 15 subjects of Group - B were treated with Diaphragmatic Exercise (DE) and Pursed Lip Breathing Exercise (PLBE). Both groups were given treatment 6 days a week for 6 weeks. Parameters were recorded before commencement of treatment and subsequently at completion of 2nd week, 4th week and 6th week of treatment by PFT&dyspnea scale .
Data Analysis: Data was analyzed by using SPSS ver.14.0.Comparision between groups is done with help of 't' test. The level of significance was set at p ? 0.05.
Result: Group - Buteyko Breathing Technique (BBT) group-A showed significant improvement in the FEV1 and PEFR, and a significant decrease in the levels of dyspnea, where PLBE with DE Group - B showed no significant changes in any of the three measurements.
Discussion&Conclusion: Butyeko Breathing Technique has given a logical treatment for reversing hyperventilation disorders which is responsible for recurrent asthmatic attack, So it can be concluded that Buteyko Breathing exercise when done regularly and properly can stop or reverse the decline in the lung function and reduce dyspnea in asthmatic patients.