A Study on an HIV Pathogenesis Model with Different Growth rates of Uninfected and Infected CD4+T cells
The objective of this paper is to discuss the dynamics of an HIV pathogenesis model with full logistic target cell growth of uninfected T cells and cure rate of infected T cells. Local and global dynamics of both infection-free and infected equilibrium points are rigorously established. It is found that if basic reproduction number R0≤1, the infection is cleared from T cells and if R0>1, the HIV infection persists. Also, we have carried out numerical simulations to verify the results. The existence of non-trivial periodic solution is also studied by means of numerical simulation. Therefore, we find a parameter region where infected equilibrium point is globally stable to make the model biologically significant. From the overall study, it is found that proliferation of T cells cannot be ignored during the study of HIV dynamics for better results and we can focus on a treatment policy which can control the parameters of the model in such a way that the basic reproduction number remains less than or equal to one.
2010 AMS classification: 34A34, 34D23, 37C25
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