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Disadvantages of using Traditional, Interactive and Distance Learning Methods when Studying the Specialty “Pharmacy”

1 Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor of the Department Pharmacy and Pharmacology, The Far Eastern State Medical University, 35, Muravyev-Amursky St., Khabarovsk − 680000, Russian Federation

Interactive and remote technologies are being actively introduced into the training process in the specialty “Pharmacy.” In addition to ease of use, they have several advantages and disadvantages for all stakeholders. The purpose of the work is to analyze the disadvantages of traditional, interactive, and remote methods of teaching in the specialty “Pharmacy” at the Far Eastern State Medical University. This is a sociological survey of students of the Faculty of Pharmacy and Biomedicine (higher education), as well as the Medical-Pharmaceutical College (secondary education). Statistical processing was performed using the non-parametric Mann-Whitney, Kruskal–Wallis, Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient. Traditional teaching methods are characterized by the inconvenience of tight time frames. During on-line classes, it is more difficult to use an individual methodology for the student and change the teaching method. The most characteristic shortcomings of distance learning include the lack of motivation and the possibility of violations (writing off, forgery, etc.) by the student. Despite the geographical remoteness of the regions, material, and technical difficulties in switching to distance learning, as a rule, did not arise. The lack of an individual approach and the subjectivity of student assessments in distance and traditional teaching methods are due to the high occupancy of groups and their frequent combination (10-25 people) during the class. The disadvantage of remote methods is the complexity of regular control by the teacher, the lack of secure personality identification systems when sending written works and testing on-line, and the low level of consciousness of future specialists. According to the results of the questionnaire, the least number of shortcomings have interactive teaching methods, implying the active participation of the student himself and an individual approach.


Education, Interactive Classes, Pharmacy, Remote Technologies, Traditional Training
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  • Disadvantages of using Traditional, Interactive and Distance Learning Methods when Studying the Specialty “Pharmacy”

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Mariia Sergeevna Soboleva
Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor of the Department Pharmacy and Pharmacology, The Far Eastern State Medical University, 35, Muravyev-Amursky St., Khabarovsk − 680000, Russian Federation


Interactive and remote technologies are being actively introduced into the training process in the specialty “Pharmacy.” In addition to ease of use, they have several advantages and disadvantages for all stakeholders. The purpose of the work is to analyze the disadvantages of traditional, interactive, and remote methods of teaching in the specialty “Pharmacy” at the Far Eastern State Medical University. This is a sociological survey of students of the Faculty of Pharmacy and Biomedicine (higher education), as well as the Medical-Pharmaceutical College (secondary education). Statistical processing was performed using the non-parametric Mann-Whitney, Kruskal–Wallis, Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient. Traditional teaching methods are characterized by the inconvenience of tight time frames. During on-line classes, it is more difficult to use an individual methodology for the student and change the teaching method. The most characteristic shortcomings of distance learning include the lack of motivation and the possibility of violations (writing off, forgery, etc.) by the student. Despite the geographical remoteness of the regions, material, and technical difficulties in switching to distance learning, as a rule, did not arise. The lack of an individual approach and the subjectivity of student assessments in distance and traditional teaching methods are due to the high occupancy of groups and their frequent combination (10-25 people) during the class. The disadvantage of remote methods is the complexity of regular control by the teacher, the lack of secure personality identification systems when sending written works and testing on-line, and the low level of consciousness of future specialists. According to the results of the questionnaire, the least number of shortcomings have interactive teaching methods, implying the active participation of the student himself and an individual approach.


Education, Interactive Classes, Pharmacy, Remote Technologies, Traditional Training
