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Explore the Dynamics of Customer Relationship Management on Organizational Performance

1 College of Business, Universiti Utara, Malaysia

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Performance is at the heart of organizations and it is crucial to their continuing to function in the competitive market. Several factors play an important role in optimizing organizational performance, including CRM. The aim of the current paper is to conceptually elucidate the complex yet important relationship between CRM and performance. Following a review of the literature, the current study proposes a conceptual model that depicts the relationships among study variables and generates propositions. The literature indicates that CRM strengthens the relationship with organizational performance. With CRM, an organization should be more efficient and effective in satisfying customers, offering unique products and services and consequently enjoying better performance. However the exact nature of these relationships needs to be investigated further.


Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Performance Organizational Performance (OP).
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  • Explore the Dynamics of Customer Relationship Management on Organizational Performance

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Nagwan AlQershi
College of Business, Universiti Utara, Malaysia
Zakaria Bin Abas
College of Business, Universiti Utara, Malaysia
Sany Sanuri Mohd Mokhtar
College of Business, Universiti Utara, Malaysia


Performance is at the heart of organizations and it is crucial to their continuing to function in the competitive market. Several factors play an important role in optimizing organizational performance, including CRM. The aim of the current paper is to conceptually elucidate the complex yet important relationship between CRM and performance. Following a review of the literature, the current study proposes a conceptual model that depicts the relationships among study variables and generates propositions. The literature indicates that CRM strengthens the relationship with organizational performance. With CRM, an organization should be more efficient and effective in satisfying customers, offering unique products and services and consequently enjoying better performance. However the exact nature of these relationships needs to be investigated further.


Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Performance Organizational Performance (OP).
