Size Composition and Exploitation Pattern Of Labeo calbasu (Hamilton 1822) from the Lower Stretch of the Yamuna River
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Exploitation is an economic activity governed by social needs and pressures. Freshwater fishing is a major source of income and protein for the riverine populations of most tropical regions. Labeo calbasu is a herbivores and bottom feeder fish. It is distributed throughout India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Burma and Nepal. It is economically important fish species in the Yamuna river and supports an important commercial fishery in rivers, reservoirs, lakes and even in ponds. During study period 176 specimens of L. calbasu were collected from the lower stretch of the Yamuna river at Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh. Size composition varied from 11.2 to 52.0 cm size group and indicated that the stock of L. calbasu in the river was in healthy condition. 32.1-35.0 cm size group was dominated (17.61%) compared to 29.1-32.0 (13.64%) and 26.1-29.0 cm (11.93%) in exploited population. Middle size group was maximum exploited at Allahabad. Higher size group shared minute proportion in exploited population. The exploitation pattern was not systematic in lower size group. Current exploitation pattern is alarming for future. Data also indicated that the fishing activities should be prohibited in breeding season.
Size Composition, Labeo calbasu, Exploitation Pattern, Yamuna River.
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