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Pradhan, Sunil Kumar
- Extended SERVQUAL Attributes, Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty:A Relationship Study of Public Sector Banks in Odisha
1 Department of Management Studies, Regional College of Management, Bhubaneswar 751021, Odisha, IN
2 Department of Business Administration, Berhampur University, Berhampur 760007, Odisha, IN
Asian Journal of Management, Vol 6, No 3 (2015), Pagination: 176-180Abstract
The basic objective of this study is to find the interrelationship between extended service quality attributes, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in the city Cuttack, Odisha. In Odisha almost no study has investigated the above mentioned relationship focusing especially on public sector banks. The purpose of the study is to fill that gap. An extensive literature review conducted to identify the relationship among service quality, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. The literature review confirms this relationship. This is an empirical study based on the primary data collected through a well-structured questionnaire. The data has been collected from 120 respondents on a random basis from four public sector banks situated in Cuttack. All four banks (SBI, PNB, BOB, IDBI) are currently occupying the top four positions in India on the basis of their financial performance as ranked by "indiaranker". All respondents are customers of one of the above bank. The result suggests that the service quality gap is highest in case of tangibles and it is lowest in case of assurance. Most of the quality attributes like (Tangibles, reliability, responsiveness and empathy) are positively associated with customer satisfaction; other attributes like assurance and online banking factors are not positively associated with customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction is positively associated with customer loyalty. Better customer loyalty can be achieved by providing high level of satisfaction to its customers. So to achieve this, bankers must reformulate their strategic plan by emphasizing more on weaker attributes and strengthening the strong attributes.
SERVQUAL, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty, Public Sector Bank.- Attitude of Customers towards the Mobile Service Providers:A Study on Kolkata City
1 Dept. of Business Administration, Berhampur University, Berhampur, Odisha, IN
2 Berhampur University, Berhampur, Odisha, IN
Asian Journal of Management, Vol 3, No 2 (2012), Pagination: 80-85Abstract
Mobile services in India have uplifted the standard of living of the people. It has touched the heart of millions of people. Today without mobile services customers felt they are helpless. After opening up of the economy in India, mobile services have grown exponentially. As a result it becomes imperative for the mobile services provider to understand the needs and preferences of customers to upgrade the services in the future. In present scenario, it is not only confined to the selling of products, advertisement and sales promotion but it includes consumer satisfaction as a whole. Mobile service providers are always concerned about the up gradation of the services for their consumers. As it is a service, which is intangible in nature, it is imperative for the service providers to know about the perception of the customers. This becomes a challenge for the service providers to convince the customer to avail the services. This paper tries to explore the perception of the customers towards the mobile service providers in Kolkata city.Keywords
Economy, Customer Satisfaction, Perception, Attitude.- Integrating Effect of Consumer Perception on Buying Intention:A Conceptual Model of Buying Behaviour for Tribal Handicrafts Products
1 Department of Business Administration, Berhampur University, Berhampur, IN
Asian Journal of Management, Vol 8, No 4 (2017), Pagination: 1149-1158Abstract
This article develops a comprehensive theoretical model that integrates the effects of consumer perception on buying intention towards tribal handicrafts. The proposed model is based on the theory of planned behaviour. The model proposes that attitude towards the product, perceived subjective norms, perceived consumption status along with cultural motivation could be a better approach to predict and justify the buying intention and buying behaviour with specific to tribal handicraft products. The thrust behind doing this research is to incorporate cultural motivation as a new concept for understanding the buying behaviour towards tribal handicrafts. Every consumer is emotionally attached to their culture and attributes of the culture plays a significant role in developing the motives of the consumer; which is reflected in their buying behaviour. The novelty of doing this research is to develop a robust model; which could predict and justify the buying intention and buying behaviour for culturally rich, tribal handicrafts product. The idea has been proposed after the gap analysis. To the end of this academic endeavour, a conceptual model has been proposed and the validity of the proposed model may be subject to empirical study.Keywords
Tribal Handicrafts, Theory of Planned Behaviour, Cultural Motivation.References
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