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Self-Care Self-Efficacy and Quality of Life among Patients Receiving Hemodialysis in South-East of Iran

1 Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran, Islamic Republic of
2 Bam University of Medical Science, Pastor Hospital, Bam, Iran, Islamic Republic of
3 Medical Surgical Department, Neuroscience Research Center, Institute of Neuropharmacology, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran, Islamic Republic of
4 Institute for Futures Studies in Health, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran, Islamic Republic of

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Objective: Hemodialysis, encounter end stage renal disease (ESRD) patients with many physical and psychosocial stresses that negatively affect their quality of life. There is growing recognition that self-care self-efficacy in chronically ill patient is associated with improvement of quality of life (QoL). This study thus was conducted to examine self-care self-efficacy and its relationship to quality of life in hemodialysis patients in South-East of Iran.

Method: Using translated FS36 and SUPPH, QoL and self-care self-efficacy of 60 hemodialysis patients in Pastor Hospital supervised by Bam university of Medical Science assessed. Data were analyzed using SPSS 16.

Results: In SF36, participants' general quality of life (mean=45.82, SD=19.06) as well as overall physical health (mean= 45.52, SD=19.26) and overall mental health (mean= 46.27, SD=19.72) were low. Descriptive analysis indicated that participants were moderately unconfident of being able to perform self-care behaviors related to the illness (mean=2.94, SD=0.69). The results indicated that there was a positive correlation between participants' quality of life and their self-care self-efficacy.

Significance of results: Findings from this study suggest that with the purpose of improving hemodialysis patients' QoL, heath care professionals need to first identify patients who lack the self-care efficacy required to self-care, and then focus on specific educational interventions to build confidence in self-care during hemodialysis sessions.


Quality of Life, Self-Care Self-Efficacy, Hemodialysis, ESRD, South-East of Iran.
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  • Self-Care Self-Efficacy and Quality of Life among Patients Receiving Hemodialysis in South-East of Iran

Abstract Views: 382  |  PDF Views: 0


Masoud Rayyani
Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran, Islamic Republic of
Lila Malekyan
Bam University of Medical Science, Pastor Hospital, Bam, Iran, Islamic Republic of
Mansooreh Azzizadeh Forouzi
Medical Surgical Department, Neuroscience Research Center, Institute of Neuropharmacology, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran, Islamic Republic of
Aliakbar Haghdoost
Institute for Futures Studies in Health, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran, Islamic Republic of
Farideh Razban
Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran, Islamic Republic of


Objective: Hemodialysis, encounter end stage renal disease (ESRD) patients with many physical and psychosocial stresses that negatively affect their quality of life. There is growing recognition that self-care self-efficacy in chronically ill patient is associated with improvement of quality of life (QoL). This study thus was conducted to examine self-care self-efficacy and its relationship to quality of life in hemodialysis patients in South-East of Iran.

Method: Using translated FS36 and SUPPH, QoL and self-care self-efficacy of 60 hemodialysis patients in Pastor Hospital supervised by Bam university of Medical Science assessed. Data were analyzed using SPSS 16.

Results: In SF36, participants' general quality of life (mean=45.82, SD=19.06) as well as overall physical health (mean= 45.52, SD=19.26) and overall mental health (mean= 46.27, SD=19.72) were low. Descriptive analysis indicated that participants were moderately unconfident of being able to perform self-care behaviors related to the illness (mean=2.94, SD=0.69). The results indicated that there was a positive correlation between participants' quality of life and their self-care self-efficacy.

Significance of results: Findings from this study suggest that with the purpose of improving hemodialysis patients' QoL, heath care professionals need to first identify patients who lack the self-care efficacy required to self-care, and then focus on specific educational interventions to build confidence in self-care during hemodialysis sessions.


Quality of Life, Self-Care Self-Efficacy, Hemodialysis, ESRD, South-East of Iran.