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A Comparative Study on the Efficacy of Two Teaching Strategies on the Care of Client With Hemodialysis in Terms of Knowledge Among the Students of Selected Schools of Nursing, Belgaum District. Karnataka

1 Professor and HOD, Department of Medical Surgical Nursing, Al-Ameen Fathima College of Nursing, Al-Ameen Medical College Campus, Athani Road, Vijayapur, Karnataka, India

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A comparative study was conducted in selected schools of nursing among students on the care of client with hemodialysis with one group pre-test; post-test design. The aims of the study were

1. To assess the level of knowledge regarding the care of client with hemodialysis among students as measured by structured questionnaire.

2. To prepare and administer the teaching strategies namely computer assisted learning and lecture method learning.

3. To evaluate the efficacy of teaching strategies among students in terms of gain in knowledge.

4. To compare the outcome of two teaching strategies in terms of knowledge.

The structured questionnaire was used to assess the level of knowledge regarding the care of client with hemodialysis among nursing students. Computer assisted learning and lecture method learning delivered after the pre-test to two different groups. Then post-test was conducted with the interval of seven days to assess the level of gain in knowledge score on the same group. In these two different groups of 30 subjects, there was significant increase in the post-test knowledge score in computer assisted learning and lecture method. The gain in knowledge score was statistically significant at p*>0.05 level and calculated unpaired ‘t’=4.38. Result findings, revealed that computer assisted learning was effective to enhance the knowledge of subjects on the care of client with hemodialysis.


Computer Assisted Learning, Effectiveness of Computer Assisted Learning, Importance of Computer Assisted Learning, Lecture Method Learning, Effective Teaching Strategies.
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  • A Comparative Study on the Efficacy of Two Teaching Strategies on the Care of Client With Hemodialysis in Terms of Knowledge Among the Students of Selected Schools of Nursing, Belgaum District. Karnataka

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Sadiq Ahmed Shaikh
Professor and HOD, Department of Medical Surgical Nursing, Al-Ameen Fathima College of Nursing, Al-Ameen Medical College Campus, Athani Road, Vijayapur, Karnataka, India


A comparative study was conducted in selected schools of nursing among students on the care of client with hemodialysis with one group pre-test; post-test design. The aims of the study were

1. To assess the level of knowledge regarding the care of client with hemodialysis among students as measured by structured questionnaire.

2. To prepare and administer the teaching strategies namely computer assisted learning and lecture method learning.

3. To evaluate the efficacy of teaching strategies among students in terms of gain in knowledge.

4. To compare the outcome of two teaching strategies in terms of knowledge.

The structured questionnaire was used to assess the level of knowledge regarding the care of client with hemodialysis among nursing students. Computer assisted learning and lecture method learning delivered after the pre-test to two different groups. Then post-test was conducted with the interval of seven days to assess the level of gain in knowledge score on the same group. In these two different groups of 30 subjects, there was significant increase in the post-test knowledge score in computer assisted learning and lecture method. The gain in knowledge score was statistically significant at p*>0.05 level and calculated unpaired ‘t’=4.38. Result findings, revealed that computer assisted learning was effective to enhance the knowledge of subjects on the care of client with hemodialysis.


Computer Assisted Learning, Effectiveness of Computer Assisted Learning, Importance of Computer Assisted Learning, Lecture Method Learning, Effective Teaching Strategies.
