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Glory, H.
- Impact of Essential Newborn Care Guidelines in Establishment of Effective Breastfeeding among Primi Postnatal Mothers
1 PSG College of Nursing, Coimbatore, IN
Asian Journal of Nursing Education and Research, Vol 5, No 1 (2015), Pagination: 113-117Abstract
Context: Skill training on breast feeding technique based on Newborn care guidelines establishes effective breast feeding.
Objectives: This study examined the effectiveness of Breastfeeding by using Essential Newborn care guidelines.
Methods & Material: Pretest, post-test, Quasi experimental design was adopted for this study. Fifty primi mothers who delivered at PSG Hospitals, Coimbatore were enrolled by convenient sampling technique (n=25 intervention group, n=25 routine group). Breastfeeding latch score, UNICEF Breastfeed observation form, Mother-baby assessment method&Infant breastfeeding assessment tool was used to collect the data. The intervention group was demonstrated the skill on Breastfeeding Techniques by using Essential Newborn Care Guidelines. The routine group was observed with regular Breastfeeding Techniques.
Results/Findings: Pre and post test intervention observations related to positions, signaling, attachment, milk transfer, ending of the breastfeeding were observed. Following the above intervention, a significant number of mothers (84%) were keeping the baby close to them, (88%) of baby's neck was found to be straight while breastfeeding. In the intervention group a significant number of babies had several low deep sucks followed by swallowing and pauses in the post-intervention period. The proportion of excellent breastfeeding was significantly higher in the intervention group than the control group (22.5/25, (90%) Vs 14/25, (30%). Effectiveness of breastfeeding was observed in terms of frequency of breastfeeding as 8-12 times/day in 75% of mothers-babies in the intervention group compared to 6-7 times/day in 20% babies in routine group. Urine output (8 fully wet diapers/day) for babies in intervention group as 85% compared to routine group (30%). There was significant difference between post test Latch score between the groups (t=17.2, p < 0.05) and total scores of effective breastfeeding (t=14.7 (p < 0.001).
Conclusion: These findings demonstrate that imparting skills on breastfeeding techniques by Essential newborn care guidelines significantly improved appropriate breastfeeding practices in the intervention group and it has an impact on establishing effective breastfeeding.
Breast Feeding, Latch Score, Essential Newborn Care Guidelines, Integrated Management of Neonatal and Childhood Illness, Indian Association of Neonatal Nurses.- Outcome of Clinical Simulation on Neonatal Resuscitation in Development of Knowledge and Skill among Baccalaureate Nursing Students at a Selected Nursing Institution
1 Pediatric Nursing Department PSG College of Nursing, Avinashi Road, Peelamedu, Coimbatore-641004., IN
2 Department of Pediatric Nursing, PSG College of Nursing, Avinashi Road, Peelamedu, Coimbatore-641004., IN
Asian Journal of Nursing Education and Research, Vol 7, No 3 (2017), Pagination: 417-422Abstract
Context: Simulation facilitates learning with practice opportunities with feedback for the students in preparatory programme in health care profession. Objectives: This study examined the effectiveness of Clinical simulation in acquiring knowledge and skill in performing Neonatal Resuscitation among B.Sc. Nursing students. Methods and Materials: With Quasi experimental approach Eighty five students of B.Sc Nursing III year were enrolled by Non Randomized purposive sampling technique. Study was conducted in Simulation Lab, PSG IMSR, Coimbatore. The student’s knowledge was assessed by using questionnaire on Neonatal Resuscitation Programme (NRP). The students were educated on NRP in case scenarios through clinical simulation approach in four groups. After the period of one week the student’s knowledge and Psychomotor skill in performing Neonatal Resuscitation was assessed through questionnaire and Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) on Neonatal Resuscitation Programme. Results/Findings: The results revealed that half of the nursing students 44 (52%) had inadequate knowledge, forty one nursing students (48%) had moderately adequate knowledge and none of them had adequate knowledge on neonatal resuscitation in pre test. Mean knowledge score at Pre test was 8.83±2.80 and the post test knowledge score was 21.7±2.68. Comparison of pre test and post test Knowledge score on NRP was 12.89±3.92 (t=30.31, p-value=0.0001, p<0.05) and statistically significant difference was found in post test knowledge score. There was a significant increase in post test skill of nursing students on various areas like Basic Life support, newborn not breathing, Positive pressure ventilation and chest compression with calculation and administration of medications. The overall mean post test skill was 21.52±4.21. Moreover, it was found that the nursing students after post test skill reported that they were confident in performing Neonatal resuscitation. Conclusion: This finding demonstrates that the clinical simulation transforms the pedagogy of nursing education from theory and clinical learning to theory, simulation and clinical application.Keywords
Neonatal Resuscitation Programme, Simulation, Objective Structured Clinical Examination, Case Scenarios, Psychomotor Skill.References
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