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Singhvi, Indrajeet
- Novel Colorimetric Methods for Quantitative Estimation of Diacerin from Capsule Formulation
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1 PRIST University, Thanjavur, Tamilnadu, IN
2 Pacific College of Pharmacy, Debari, Udaipur (Rajasthan) 313003, IN
3 P.Wadhwani College of Pharmacy, Yavatmal, Maharahtra, IN
1 PRIST University, Thanjavur, Tamilnadu, IN
2 Pacific College of Pharmacy, Debari, Udaipur (Rajasthan) 313003, IN
3 P.Wadhwani College of Pharmacy, Yavatmal, Maharahtra, IN
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis, Vol 3, No 2 (2013), Pagination: 44-47Abstract
Two simple and sensitive colorimetric methods have been developed for the quantitative estimation of Diacerin from Pharmaceutical Capsule dosage form. Developed methods are based on the formation of chloroform extractable ion pair coloured complex of drug with Orange II (Method A) and Tropoelin (Method B). The complex formed in method A and B showed maximum absorbance at 435. Linearity was obeyed in concentration range of 50-350 μgm/ml and 50-250 μgm/ml of Diacerin for method A and B respectively. The results of analysis were validated statistically and by recovery studies.Keywords
Diacerin, Orange II, Tropoelin, Colorimetric MethodReferences
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- Novel Method for Quantitative Estimation of Telmisartan from Tablet formulation by Colorimetric Method
Abstract Views :359 |
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Sanjay Bais
Chakravarti Singh
Indrajeet Singhvi
Yash Joshi
Bhaumik Patel
Anil Chandewar
1 Pacific College of Pharmacy, Debari, Udaipur, Rajasthan, 313024, IN
2 P. Wadhwani College of Pharmacy, Yavatmal, Maharashtra, 445001, IN
1 Pacific College of Pharmacy, Debari, Udaipur, Rajasthan, 313024, IN
2 P. Wadhwani College of Pharmacy, Yavatmal, Maharashtra, 445001, IN
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis, Vol 4, No 2 (2014), Pagination: 54-56Abstract
A simple and sensitive colorimetric method have been developed for the quantitative estimation of Telmisartan from Pharmaceutical Capsule dosage form. Developed method is based on the formation of chloroform extractable ion pair coloured complex of drug with Azurin-B dye. The complex formed in method showed maximum absorbance at 508.00 nm. Linearity was obeyed in concentration range of 4-25 μgm/ml of Telmisartan for method. The results of analysis were validated statistically and by recovery studies.Keywords
Telmisartan, Azurin-B, Colorimetric Method.- U.V. Method for Quantitative Estimation of Diacerein from Capsule Formulation
Abstract Views :400 |
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1 Pacific College of Pharmacy, Debari, Udaipur (Rajasthan) -313003, IN
1 Pacific College of Pharmacy, Debari, Udaipur (Rajasthan) -313003, IN