Effect of Different Fertility Level and Micronutrients on Nodulation and Nutrient Uptake by Chickpea
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The field experiment was conducted during Rabi season 2013-14 to evaluate the effect of different fertility level and micronutrients on nodulation and nutrient uptake of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) to fertility levels and micronutrients. Twelve treatments combinations was comprised with three fertility levels -F1:40 kg P2O5ha-1, F2:60 kg P2O5 + 20 kg S ha-1and F3:80 kg P2O5 + 40 kg S ha-1 and four micronutrient levels- M0: control, M1:3 kg Zn ha-1, M2:0.3 per cent B spray ha-1 and M3:3 kg Zn + 0.3 per cent B spray ha-1 were laid out in Spilt Plot Design. The maximum growth, yield, nodulation and nutrient uptake were recorded with higher level of fertility application F3: 80 kg P2O5 and 40 kg which was significantly superior over lower level of fertility F1 and statistically at par with F2. The minimum response was recorded with the application of lower fertility level F1 with micronutrient application.
Chickpea, Fertility Level,Micronutrients, Nodulation, Nutrient Uptake.
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