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Comparison of Extraction Methods to Assess Potassium Availability for Rice Growing Soils of Canal Ayacut of Kurnool District

1 Division of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Agricultural College (A.N.G.R.A.U.), Mahanandi (A.P.), India
2 Division of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Agricultural Research Station (A.N.G.R.A.U.), Utukur, Kadapa (A.P.), India
3 Division of Agronomy, Agricultural College (A.N.G.R.A.U.), Mahanandi (A.P.), India

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Eighty surface soil samples were collected from rice growing areas of Kurnool district covering eleven mandals and among them thirty samples were selected for the investigation based on K status. Among the extractants tried, the relative efficiency of K releasing extractants were in the following order of 1 N HNO3 > Mehilich-3 > 0.2 M NaBPh<>sub>4 > 1 N NH4OAc > AB-DTPA > 0.02 M citric acid > 0.01MCaCl2 > distilled water. Results revealed that, highest amount of K was extracted by 1 N HNO3 and lowest by distilled water. A pot experiment by biological Neubauer's seedling technique method was conducted to assess the releasing pattern of available K with bajra, as test crop. Among the various extractants tried, 1 N HNO3 served as a better index of available K as it is highly positively correlated with dry matter yield and uptake with the shoot K content (r=0.353).


Available K, Mehlich-3, NN NH4OAc, AB- DTPA, NaBPh4, Neubauer’s Seedling Technique.
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  • Comparison of Extraction Methods to Assess Potassium Availability for Rice Growing Soils of Canal Ayacut of Kurnool District

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P. N. Siva Prasad
Division of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Agricultural College (A.N.G.R.A.U.), Mahanandi (A.P.), India
P. Kavitha
Division of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Agricultural College (A.N.G.R.A.U.), Mahanandi (A.P.), India
M. Sreenivasa Chari
Division of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Agricultural Research Station (A.N.G.R.A.U.), Utukur, Kadapa (A.P.), India
M. Srinivasa Reddy
Division of Agronomy, Agricultural College (A.N.G.R.A.U.), Mahanandi (A.P.), India


Eighty surface soil samples were collected from rice growing areas of Kurnool district covering eleven mandals and among them thirty samples were selected for the investigation based on K status. Among the extractants tried, the relative efficiency of K releasing extractants were in the following order of 1 N HNO3 > Mehilich-3 > 0.2 M NaBPh<>sub>4 > 1 N NH4OAc > AB-DTPA > 0.02 M citric acid > 0.01MCaCl2 > distilled water. Results revealed that, highest amount of K was extracted by 1 N HNO3 and lowest by distilled water. A pot experiment by biological Neubauer's seedling technique method was conducted to assess the releasing pattern of available K with bajra, as test crop. Among the various extractants tried, 1 N HNO3 served as a better index of available K as it is highly positively correlated with dry matter yield and uptake with the shoot K content (r=0.353).


Available K, Mehlich-3, NN NH4OAc, AB- DTPA, NaBPh4, Neubauer’s Seedling Technique.
