Comparison of Extraction Methods to Assess Potassium Availability for Rice Growing Soils of Canal Ayacut of Kurnool District
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Eighty surface soil samples were collected from rice growing areas of Kurnool district covering eleven mandals and among them thirty samples were selected for the investigation based on K status. Among the extractants tried, the relative efficiency of K releasing extractants were in the following order of 1 N HNO3 > Mehilich-3 > 0.2 M NaBPh<>sub>4 > 1 N NH4OAc > AB-DTPA > 0.02 M citric acid > 0.01MCaCl2 > distilled water. Results revealed that, highest amount of K was extracted by 1 N HNO3 and lowest by distilled water. A pot experiment by biological Neubauer's seedling technique method was conducted to assess the releasing pattern of available K with bajra, as test crop. Among the various extractants tried, 1 N HNO3 served as a better index of available K as it is highly positively correlated with dry matter yield and uptake with the shoot K content (r=0.353).
Available K, Mehlich-3, NN NH4OAc, AB- DTPA, NaBPh4, Neubauer’s Seedling Technique.
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