Technological Gap in Red Gram Cultivation
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The present study on technological gap in red gram cultivation was conducted in the year 2015-16 in Amravati district. For this study 80 red gram growers were randomly selected from one tehsil of district with the help of random sampling method. The data were collected with the help of structured interview schedule. Collected data were carefully examined, classified, quantified and tabulated. Frequencies, mean, standard deviation, correlation of co-efficient analysis were employed for interpreting the results. Findings revealed that Maximum per centages of the respondents 47.50 per cent were find in the group of middle aged i.e. 36 to 50 years. Maximum per centages of the respondents (36.25 %) were educated high school level. The majority i.e. (53.75 %) of the respondents regarding experience in red gram cultivation was found in the category of low experience i.e. upto 18 years in red gram cultivation. The majority (33.75 %) of the respondents had land large size of land holding in semi medium 2.01 to 4 ha category. The majority (45.00 %) of the respondents had area under red gram were found in small area category i.e. up to 2 ha. The majority (63.75 %) of the respondents had no source of irrigation. The majority (55.00 %) of the respondents had their annual income ranging 2 lacks and above, 16.25 per cent had an annual income between 50,001 to 1,00,000. More than half of the respondents i.e. 56.25 per cent used high level of source of information channel while, 42.50 per cent and 1.25 per cent were used medium and low level of sources of information of communication channel, respectively. The majority (67.50 %) of the respondents were found in the category of medium level of knowledge. The majority (80.00 %) of the respondents were found in the category of medium level of adoption. It was found that more than three fourth i.e. 80 per cent of the red gram growers belonged to medium category of technological gap. It was observed that very high technological gap was observed regarding use of FYM, hybrid varieties, seed rate, seed treatment, irrigation, use of herbicide plant protection measures and post harvest technology in red gram. In the study it was found that the education, irrigation, sources of information, knowledge and adoption were negatively significant with technological gap at 1 per cent level of significance. Whereas, experience in red gram cultivation and land holding were negatively significant at 5 per cent level of significance. While age, area under red gram and annual income were non-significantly related with technological gap. The highly perceived constraints in technological gap of cultivation of improved recommended practices of red gram which were faced by the farmers were shortage of water, non-availability of labour in time, inadequate source of finance, high cost of improved variety seed, fertilizer, FYM and herbicides, high labour charges, non-availability of storage facility, high charge and non-availability of storehouse, fluctuation price of red gram in market, irregular demand of red gram, non remunerative price during time of glut in market and high transport cost.
Technological Gap, Red Gram, Practices.
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