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Development of an Index to Measure the Level of Role Performance as Perceived by the Agricultural Development Officers Under Revitalized Extension System in Assam

1 North Eastern Development Finance Corporation Ltd., Guwahati (Assam), India
2 Department of Extension Education, Biswanath College of Agriculture (AAU), Sonitpur (Assam), India

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An index was developed to measure the level of the role performance as perceived by the Agricultural Development Officers under revitalized extension system in Assam based on Likert’s technique. Tentative lists of 56 statements were drafted keeping in view the applicability of statements suited to the area of study. The statements collected were edited in the light of the informal criteria suggested by Thurstone and Chave (1929), and Edward and Kilpatrick (1948). There was no index available to measure the performance of the Agricultural Development Officers under revitalized extension system in Assam. The present study was contemplated to develop and standardize the same. The final index consists of 42 statements and the reliability and validity of which indicates its precision and consistency of the results. This index can be used to measure the performance of the extension personnel’s beyond the study area with suitable modifications.


Attitude Scale, ATMA, Extension Reform, Likert’s Summated Rating, Item Analysis, Reliability, Validity.
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  • Edward, A.L. and Kilpatrick, F.P.(1948). A technique for construction of attitude scales. J. App. Psycho., 32: 374-384.
  • Edwards, A.L. (1957). Techniques of Attitude index construction, applet on century crafts,USA,p.13-14
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  • Likert, R. (1932).A technique for measurement of attitudes. Arch. Psychol., No.140
  • Thurstone, L.L. and Chave, E.J. (1929). The measurement of attitude. Chicago University Press, USA. pp 39-40.
  • Thurstone, L.L. (1946). The measurement of Attitude.American J. Socio., 52: 39-50.

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  • Development of an Index to Measure the Level of Role Performance as Perceived by the Agricultural Development Officers Under Revitalized Extension System in Assam

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D. Bortamuly
North Eastern Development Finance Corporation Ltd., Guwahati (Assam), India
P. K. Das
Department of Extension Education, Biswanath College of Agriculture (AAU), Sonitpur (Assam), India


An index was developed to measure the level of the role performance as perceived by the Agricultural Development Officers under revitalized extension system in Assam based on Likert’s technique. Tentative lists of 56 statements were drafted keeping in view the applicability of statements suited to the area of study. The statements collected were edited in the light of the informal criteria suggested by Thurstone and Chave (1929), and Edward and Kilpatrick (1948). There was no index available to measure the performance of the Agricultural Development Officers under revitalized extension system in Assam. The present study was contemplated to develop and standardize the same. The final index consists of 42 statements and the reliability and validity of which indicates its precision and consistency of the results. This index can be used to measure the performance of the extension personnel’s beyond the study area with suitable modifications.


Attitude Scale, ATMA, Extension Reform, Likert’s Summated Rating, Item Analysis, Reliability, Validity.
