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Virtual Keyboard Implementation
The Association for Computing Machinery defines Human Computer Interaction as "a discipline concerned with the design, evaluation and implementation of interactive computing systems for human use and with the study of major phenomena surrounding them". An important facet of Human Computer Interaction (HCI) is the securing of user satisfaction (or simply End User Computing Satisfaction). This paper aims at creating a Virtual Keyboard using a webcam and a color pointer. A Virtual Keyboard have been developed using 2D webcam instead of any other specialized hardware. This key-board will overcome problems of traditional keyboard and serve as an add-on for it to make computing very easy and efficient for general users of computer. Traditional keyboards were not reconfigurable. We cannot change the specifications of keyboard according to need of individual. We cannot use a key for some abstract or user defined purpose, those keys of traditional keyboard behaved in a specific predefined or say preprogrammed manner. In Virtual Keyboard every key will be configurable according to the need of user.
Colour Pointer, Configurable, Human Computer Interaction,Virtual Keyboard.
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