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Siderophores of Haloalkaliphilic Archaea from Lonar Lake, Maharashtra, India

1 Department of Microbiology, Yashwantrao Chavan College of Science, Karad, Vidyanagar, Karad 415 124, India

Under iron-limiting conditions, most prokaryotes, certain fungi and some monocotyledonous plants are known to produce low molecular weight (often <1000 Da), high-affinity chelating agents that solubilize, by sequestering ferric ion from the environment and transporting it into the cells through specific receptors. These molecules are known as siderophores and are typically found in iron-deficient cultures.
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  • Siderophores of Haloalkaliphilic Archaea from Lonar Lake, Maharashtra, India

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Jaysing Patil
Department of Microbiology, Yashwantrao Chavan College of Science, Karad, Vidyanagar, Karad 415 124, India
Priyanka Suryawanshi
Department of Microbiology, Yashwantrao Chavan College of Science, Karad, Vidyanagar, Karad 415 124, India
Shyam Bajekal
Department of Microbiology, Yashwantrao Chavan College of Science, Karad, Vidyanagar, Karad 415 124, India


Under iron-limiting conditions, most prokaryotes, certain fungi and some monocotyledonous plants are known to produce low molecular weight (often <1000 Da), high-affinity chelating agents that solubilize, by sequestering ferric ion from the environment and transporting it into the cells through specific receptors. These molecules are known as siderophores and are typically found in iron-deficient cultures.