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Classical Mechanics, Complexity and the Methodology

1 Department of Engineering Mechanics, Hebei University, Baoding 071002, China

Research on complexity has exploded in recent years, despite the lack of mature theoretical and computational tools. By refining the concepts from complex systems and classical mechanics, here we propose that the methodology developed in classical mechanics over the last four centuries, together with those from other disciplines, might once again nurture the new science of complexity in the coming years.
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  • Classical Mechanics, Complexity and the Methodology

Abstract Views: 429  |  PDF Views: 145


Kuiying Deng
Department of Engineering Mechanics, Hebei University, Baoding 071002, China


Research on complexity has exploded in recent years, despite the lack of mature theoretical and computational tools. By refining the concepts from complex systems and classical mechanics, here we propose that the methodology developed in classical mechanics over the last four centuries, together with those from other disciplines, might once again nurture the new science of complexity in the coming years.