Transplantation Worthiness of Cryopreserved Germ Cells of Indian Major Carp Rohu, Labeo rohita
Cryopreservation of gametes and germ cells is an essential tool for germplasm conservation and improvement of productivity in aquaculture. Here, transplantation worthiness of isolated cryopreserved germ cells (GCs) of Indian major carp, rohu Labeo rohita has been tested by their viability and colonization ability in the allogenic host (Catla catla). GCs were cryopreserved using dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO), ethylene glycol (EG) and glycerol. Rohu GCs were successfully cryopreserved with significantly higher viability using slow cooling rate of -1C/min and a medium containing 1.4 M DMSO compared to EG and glycerol. It was found that more than 70% GCs were viable following this method. Transplantation experiment revealed that frozen/thawed GCs colonized and proliferated in the gonad of the recipients. Hence, this technique of transplantation of GC into adult gonads paves the way for further applications in surrogate animal development.
Carp, Cryopreservation, Toxicity, Transplantation, Viability.
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