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Status of Regulation on Traditional Medicine Formulations and Natural Products:Whither is India?


Under the subtopic 'Present Regulatory Scenario' on page 300, the word 'Draft' was inadvertently missed in line no. 18 after mention of GSR 364. The sentence should read as '... and audio-visual recording of the in-formed consent process (vide GSR 364 (E) Draft Rule dated 7 June 2013.
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  • Status of Regulation on Traditional Medicine Formulations and Natural Products:Whither is India?

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Under the subtopic 'Present Regulatory Scenario' on page 300, the word 'Draft' was inadvertently missed in line no. 18 after mention of GSR 364. The sentence should read as '... and audio-visual recording of the in-formed consent process (vide GSR 364 (E) Draft Rule dated 7 June 2013.