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Developments in Vibration Control of Structures and Structural Components with Magnetorheological Fluids

1 CSIR–Structural Engineering Research Centre, Chennai-600 113, India

Vibration isolation and control of structures subjected to different types of dynamic loads due to periodic forces, impact and shock type forces and earthquake forces is an important area in structural engineering. The structures can be machine foundations, buildings, bridges, towers, automobiles, ship structures, military tanks and aeronautical structures. Some of these devices used are elastic springs, viscoelastic dampers, viscous fluid dampers, magnetorheological dampers and friction dampers. This article gives latest developments in vibration control of structures and structural components using magnetorheological fluids. The current status of technology and further research requirements to be studied in these areas are highlighted.


Automobile Brakes, Magnetorheological Fluids, Structure and Structural Components, Suspension Systems, Vibration Control.
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Abstract Views: 435

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  • Developments in Vibration Control of Structures and Structural Components with Magnetorheological Fluids

Abstract Views: 435  |  PDF Views: 159


K. Rama Raju
CSIR–Structural Engineering Research Centre, Chennai-600 113, India
D. Vineeth Varma
CSIR–Structural Engineering Research Centre, Chennai-600 113, India


Vibration isolation and control of structures subjected to different types of dynamic loads due to periodic forces, impact and shock type forces and earthquake forces is an important area in structural engineering. The structures can be machine foundations, buildings, bridges, towers, automobiles, ship structures, military tanks and aeronautical structures. Some of these devices used are elastic springs, viscoelastic dampers, viscous fluid dampers, magnetorheological dampers and friction dampers. This article gives latest developments in vibration control of structures and structural components using magnetorheological fluids. The current status of technology and further research requirements to be studied in these areas are highlighted.


Automobile Brakes, Magnetorheological Fluids, Structure and Structural Components, Suspension Systems, Vibration Control.