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Evolution and Progress in the Application of Radiation in Cancer Diagnosis and Therapy

1 Department of Urology, Apollo Hospital, Bhubaneswar 751 001, India
2 Radiochemistry and Isotope Group, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay, 1006, Sunflower, Neelkanth Gardens, Govandi-E, Mumbai 400 088, India

Cancer is a ubiquitous health problem globally caused by poor food quality, environmental pollution, genetic factors, etc. Despite the manifold presumptive theories put forth for its causation, there is an extreme paucity of knowledge as regards the actual etiology of cancer, as well as any preventive or prophylactic therapy. The treatment options available include surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy (both internal and external). There have been technical and technological advancements in the fields of 'cancer surgery' and 'cancer chemotherapy', and radiotherapy in oncology is not too far behind. X-rays (from linear accelerators LINACs) and gamma rays (e.g. in Bhabhatron) are commonly used for radiation treatment of various types of cancers. New developments include proton beam therapy (PBT) and heavy ion beam therapy (IBT) (e.g. C+6 ion). These new developments of PBT and IBT offer significant advantages to treat paediatric patients, and to radiate deep-seated and radio-resistant tumours. This article gives an overview of the various radiation therapies used worldwide, cost comparison of setting up these facilities, operational and treatment costs and advantages, limitations as well as the present status of different charged particle therapy facilities available worldwide.


Accelerators, Cancer, Diagnosis, Oncology, Radiation Therapy.
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  • Evolution and Progress in the Application of Radiation in Cancer Diagnosis and Therapy

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Gaurav Aggarwal
Department of Urology, Apollo Hospital, Bhubaneswar 751 001, India
Suresh Kumar Aggarwal
Radiochemistry and Isotope Group, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay, 1006, Sunflower, Neelkanth Gardens, Govandi-E, Mumbai 400 088, India


Cancer is a ubiquitous health problem globally caused by poor food quality, environmental pollution, genetic factors, etc. Despite the manifold presumptive theories put forth for its causation, there is an extreme paucity of knowledge as regards the actual etiology of cancer, as well as any preventive or prophylactic therapy. The treatment options available include surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy (both internal and external). There have been technical and technological advancements in the fields of 'cancer surgery' and 'cancer chemotherapy', and radiotherapy in oncology is not too far behind. X-rays (from linear accelerators LINACs) and gamma rays (e.g. in Bhabhatron) are commonly used for radiation treatment of various types of cancers. New developments include proton beam therapy (PBT) and heavy ion beam therapy (IBT) (e.g. C+6 ion). These new developments of PBT and IBT offer significant advantages to treat paediatric patients, and to radiate deep-seated and radio-resistant tumours. This article gives an overview of the various radiation therapies used worldwide, cost comparison of setting up these facilities, operational and treatment costs and advantages, limitations as well as the present status of different charged particle therapy facilities available worldwide.


Accelerators, Cancer, Diagnosis, Oncology, Radiation Therapy.
