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Combinatorial Optimization in Science and Engineering

1 Department of Mathematical Sciences, Anchor University, Lagos, Nigeria

This article is a review of combinatorial optimization in science and engineering applications. Combinatorial optimization has found wide applicability in most of our day-to-day affairs, ranging from industrial, academic, logistic to manufacturing applications, etc. This study introduces the concepts of optimization identifying the different types of optimization in the literature, before focusing on discrete optimization methods. Moreover, much emphasis is placed on the application areas, examples and the development of mathematical models in combinatorial optimization. The study concludes by highlighting the merits and demerits of combinatorial optimization models and recommends further studies on the development of more efficient and user-friendly combinatorial optimization methods.


Combinatorial Optimization Models, Discrete Optimization, Mathematical Models, Science and Engineering Applications.
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  • Combinatorial Optimization in Science and Engineering

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Julius Beneoluchi Odili
Department of Mathematical Sciences, Anchor University, Lagos, Nigeria


This article is a review of combinatorial optimization in science and engineering applications. Combinatorial optimization has found wide applicability in most of our day-to-day affairs, ranging from industrial, academic, logistic to manufacturing applications, etc. This study introduces the concepts of optimization identifying the different types of optimization in the literature, before focusing on discrete optimization methods. Moreover, much emphasis is placed on the application areas, examples and the development of mathematical models in combinatorial optimization. The study concludes by highlighting the merits and demerits of combinatorial optimization models and recommends further studies on the development of more efficient and user-friendly combinatorial optimization methods.


Combinatorial Optimization Models, Discrete Optimization, Mathematical Models, Science and Engineering Applications.
