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Application of Indigenously Developed Remotely Operated Vehicle for the Study of Driving Parameters of Coral Reef Habitat of South Andaman Islands, India

1 National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT), Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India, Chennai 600 100, India
2 Andaman and Nicobar Centre for Ocean Science and Technology, NIOT, Port Blair 744 103, India

Coral reef biodiversity in South Andaman Islands, India was studied using indigenously developed remotely operated underwater vehicle, PROVe. The vehicle was manoeuvred in coral reef habitats using underwater navigational aids to record faunal assemblages along with underwater spatio-temporal spectral irradiance characteristics coupled with surface radiance, water temperature, salinity and underwater visuals by high-definition camera devices. PROVe-based observations and the outcome from scientific payloads indicated that it will be a new additional tool for the Indian scientific community to map coral reef habitats, correlate and validate the satellite-derived parameters to understand coral reef health.


Coral Reef, Driving Parameters, Remotely Operated Vehicle, Spectral Irradiance.
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  • Application of Indigenously Developed Remotely Operated Vehicle for the Study of Driving Parameters of Coral Reef Habitat of South Andaman Islands, India

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S. Ramesh
National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT), Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India, Chennai 600 100, India
G. A. Ramadass
National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT), Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India, Chennai 600 100, India
V. Doss Prakash
National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT), Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India, Chennai 600 100, India
C. S. Sandhya
National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT), Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India, Chennai 600 100, India
R. Ramesh
National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT), Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India, Chennai 600 100, India
D. Sathianarayanan
National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT), Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India, Chennai 600 100, India
N. V. Vinithkumar
Andaman and Nicobar Centre for Ocean Science and Technology, NIOT, Port Blair 744 103, India


Coral reef biodiversity in South Andaman Islands, India was studied using indigenously developed remotely operated underwater vehicle, PROVe. The vehicle was manoeuvred in coral reef habitats using underwater navigational aids to record faunal assemblages along with underwater spatio-temporal spectral irradiance characteristics coupled with surface radiance, water temperature, salinity and underwater visuals by high-definition camera devices. PROVe-based observations and the outcome from scientific payloads indicated that it will be a new additional tool for the Indian scientific community to map coral reef habitats, correlate and validate the satellite-derived parameters to understand coral reef health.


Coral Reef, Driving Parameters, Remotely Operated Vehicle, Spectral Irradiance.
