Flush Air Data Sensing System
Flush air data sensing system (FADS) forms a mission-critical subsystem in re-entry vehicles. It makes use of surface pressure measurements from the nose cap of the vehicle for deriving air data parameters such as angle of attack, angle of sideslip, Mach number, etc. of the vehicle. These parameters are used by the flight control and guidance systems, and also assist in the overall mission management. The overall system engineering of FADS, including selection of pressure transducers, tubing size, port geometry, FADS algorithm and associated processing electronics along with the integration scheme is addressed in this article. Details of the qualification tests carried out in wind tunnel for end-to-end verification of the entire FADS system are covered in brief. Majority of the tests were carried out in a low-speed wind tunnel at a wind speed of 65 m/s (Mach number 0.2). The flight performance of FADS is also discussed in this article.
Angle of Attack, Flushed Air Data System, Hypersonic Flight Vehicles, Subsonic, Wind Tunnel.
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