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Portfolio Mean-Variance Approach Modifications:Modulus Function, Principles of Compromise, and ‘Min–Max’ Approach

1 Novosibirsk State Technical University, Russian Federation
2 Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management, Russian Federation

We offer a variant for the problem of portfolio selection, based on the modification of quadratic function. It reduces overestimation of expected returns that arise from large deviations of the market condition. Further, we examine the modified ‘min–max’ approach to portfolio structure. We obtain analytical expressions to solve the portfolio selection model for a few cases. Finally, we offer certain compromise principles between criterial values of the expected return/risk.


Mean-Variance, ‘Min–Max’ Approach, Modern Portfolio Theory, Portfolio Selection.
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  • Portfolio Mean-Variance Approach Modifications:Modulus Function, Principles of Compromise, and ‘Min–Max’ Approach

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Alexey Karpovich
Novosibirsk State Technical University, Russian Federation
Alexander Rymanov
Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management, Russian Federation


We offer a variant for the problem of portfolio selection, based on the modification of quadratic function. It reduces overestimation of expected returns that arise from large deviations of the market condition. Further, we examine the modified ‘min–max’ approach to portfolio structure. We obtain analytical expressions to solve the portfolio selection model for a few cases. Finally, we offer certain compromise principles between criterial values of the expected return/risk.


Mean-Variance, ‘Min–Max’ Approach, Modern Portfolio Theory, Portfolio Selection.
