Quality Evaluation of Pearl Millet Based Pasta as Affected by Depigmentation
The effect of depigmentation on colour, nutritional, anti-nutritional, cooking and textural qualities of pasta prepared from pearl millet was studied. Depigmentation was achieved by soaking pearl millet grains in hydrochloric acid of 0.2 N for 18 h at 28–32°C fol1owed by washing, blanching (98°C for 30 sec) and tray drying (50°C). Pasta prepared from 100% wheat semolina (WS), 100% native pearl millet flour (PMF) and blend (50 : 50) of wheat semolina and native pearl millet flour (WS : PMF) were compared with pasta prepared from blend (50 : 50) of wheat semolina and depigmented pearl millet flour (WS : DPMF). It was observed that depigmentation significantly improved the colour of pasta and was very close to 100% wheat semolina pasta. Results also demonstrated that the contents of fat, protein and ash of pasta made from PMF (100%), WS : PMF (50 : 50) and WS : DPMF (50 : 50) were higher than that of pasta prepared using WS (100%). Reduction in phytic acid (5.56%) and trypsin inhibitor activity (5.27%) was observed with depigmentation in the WS : DPMF (50 : 50) pasta compared to WS : PMF (50 : 50) pasta. However, cooking and textural properties of pasta were not affected by depigmentation. Overall results of the study suggested that depigmentation technique was effective for formulation of acceptable pearl millet products.
Anti-Nutritional Properties, Cooking, Depigmentation, Pearl Millet.
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