Scientific Contribution of Professor Mahalanobis:A Bio-Bibliometric Study
On the 125th birth anniversary o f Professor Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis, the authors analyse characteristic features, pattern and citation impact of the great Indian scientist and statistician’s scientific works. A bibliography of his scientific contributions was prepared. It contained 6 books, 142 journal articles, 87 conference papers and 38 research reports. The study categorizes and presents the data according to year-wise contribution, authorship pattern, collaborators, preferred journals for communication, country-wise publications, top cited authors, citation history and citation impact. The study revealed that his research productivity peaked during 1934 to 1938 at the ages 41-45, with contribution of 77 scientific works. Further, the citation history o f top 11 cited papers during 1990-2017 indicates that his publications are still being cited regularly which proves the continued relevance of his theory and applications over time.
Bio-Bibliometric Study, Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis, Scientometric Study, Statistics, Indian Statistical Institute.
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