Research Preferences of the G20 Countries:A Bibliometrics and Visualization Analysis
The purpose o f this study is to reveal the differences both in research output and research preferences o f the G20 countries. The research outputs o f the nineteen G20 countries (excluding the European Union) are measured based on their publications indexed in Web of Science. The research preferences o f the G20 countries were studied by comparing their research output in each research subject. Clustering method was then employed to classify the countries according to their research preferences. Nineteen countries are classified into four clusters. Countries assigned to the same cluster are similar in distribution of research subjects. In the end, by VOSviewer, we showed the research pattern o f each cluster. For example, USA in Cluster A is characterized by the emphasis on medical sciences and China in Cluster C is characterized by paying more attention to physical sciences.
Bibliometrics, Country-Level Studies, G20 Countries, Research Preferences, VOSviewer.
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