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Exploitation of Heterobeltiosis and Economic Heterosis for Horticultural Yield, and its Attributes and Biochemical Traits in Pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata Duch. Ex. Poir) under Salt Affected Soil

1 Department of Vegetable Science, Narendra Dev University of Agriculture and Technology, Kumarganj, Faizabad 224 229,, India

Pumpkin crop can be improved by exploitation of heterosis. This study was carried out during three different seasons, Kharif, 2015 (E1), Rabi 2015-16 (E2) and summer-season, 2016 (E3) in Eastern Uttar Pradesh, India. The objective was to find out the magnitude of heterobeltiosis, economic heterosis and suitable cross-combination for higher quality fruit yield in pumpkin. Fifteen F1 hybrids were developed through diallel mating design of six parental lines excluding reciprocals. The evolution of hybrids revealed significant heterobeltiosis as well as economic heterosis for all the traits in all three seasons independently (E1, E2 and E3) and combined. Crosses P1 x P5, P4 x P6 and P1 x P2 may be exploited as commercial hybrids for profitable yield in pumpkin. Significant heterobeltiosis and economic heterosis indicates the importance of heterosis breeding for the developing high yield hybrids.


Diallel Mating, Fruit Yield, Heterobeltiosis, Pumpkin, β-Carotene.
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  • Exploitation of Heterobeltiosis and Economic Heterosis for Horticultural Yield, and its Attributes and Biochemical Traits in Pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata Duch. Ex. Poir) under Salt Affected Soil

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Vimlesh Kumar
Department of Vegetable Science, Narendra Dev University of Agriculture and Technology, Kumarganj, Faizabad 224 229,, India
D. P. Mishra
Department of Vegetable Science, Narendra Dev University of Agriculture and Technology, Kumarganj, Faizabad 224 229,, India
G. C. Yadav
Department of Vegetable Science, Narendra Dev University of Agriculture and Technology, Kumarganj, Faizabad 224 229,, India
Satish Yadav
Department of Vegetable Science, Narendra Dev University of Agriculture and Technology, Kumarganj, Faizabad 224 229,, India


Pumpkin crop can be improved by exploitation of heterosis. This study was carried out during three different seasons, Kharif, 2015 (E1), Rabi 2015-16 (E2) and summer-season, 2016 (E3) in Eastern Uttar Pradesh, India. The objective was to find out the magnitude of heterobeltiosis, economic heterosis and suitable cross-combination for higher quality fruit yield in pumpkin. Fifteen F1 hybrids were developed through diallel mating design of six parental lines excluding reciprocals. The evolution of hybrids revealed significant heterobeltiosis as well as economic heterosis for all the traits in all three seasons independently (E1, E2 and E3) and combined. Crosses P1 x P5, P4 x P6 and P1 x P2 may be exploited as commercial hybrids for profitable yield in pumpkin. Significant heterobeltiosis and economic heterosis indicates the importance of heterosis breeding for the developing high yield hybrids.


Diallel Mating, Fruit Yield, Heterobeltiosis, Pumpkin, β-Carotene.
