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Public Acceptance Study of Environmentally Suitable Landfill Sites

1 Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines), Dhanbad 826 004, India

The present study was conducted to understand the public attitudes and preferences of location and operation of environmentally suitable solid waste landfill sites in Dhanbad city, Jharkhand, India. The research methodology used for obtaining data includes extensive questionnaire (prepared using the reported literature) survey and interview of the population. Statistical analysis (Pearson residuals and chi-square test) was done to understand the relationships among the responses received from the surveyed people of the study area. Most of the respondents (90%) were in favour of construction of engineered landfill sites, but many (70%) were not willing to pay any extra charges for solid waste management related services. This study will help the municipal authorities to identify a mechanism to gain public acceptance of the selected landfill sites and adapt the approach presented here to similar locations elsewhere.


Landfill Sites, Public Awareness, Population Survey, Solid Waste Management, Statistical Analysis.
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  • Public Acceptance Study of Environmentally Suitable Landfill Sites

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Debishree Khan
Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines), Dhanbad 826 004, India
Atul Kumar
Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines), Dhanbad 826 004, India
Sukha Ranjan Samadder
Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines), Dhanbad 826 004, India


The present study was conducted to understand the public attitudes and preferences of location and operation of environmentally suitable solid waste landfill sites in Dhanbad city, Jharkhand, India. The research methodology used for obtaining data includes extensive questionnaire (prepared using the reported literature) survey and interview of the population. Statistical analysis (Pearson residuals and chi-square test) was done to understand the relationships among the responses received from the surveyed people of the study area. Most of the respondents (90%) were in favour of construction of engineered landfill sites, but many (70%) were not willing to pay any extra charges for solid waste management related services. This study will help the municipal authorities to identify a mechanism to gain public acceptance of the selected landfill sites and adapt the approach presented here to similar locations elsewhere.


Landfill Sites, Public Awareness, Population Survey, Solid Waste Management, Statistical Analysis.
