Modulation in Activity Profiles in Insecticide-Resistant Population of Tobacco Caterpillar, Spodoptera Litura (Fabricius)
Activity spectrum of detoxification enzymes was systematically assessed in tobacco caterpillar, Spodoptera litura collected from four locations in Kerala, India, to decipher the mechanism of insecticide resistance. Using the susceptible check ICAR-NBAIR strain, specific activity profiles of acetylcholine esterase (AChE) were found to be 16.16-, 10.71- and 4.88-fold higher in the Kovilnada, Palappur and Kanjikuzhi populations respectively. Specific activities of mixed function oxidase (MFO) were also found to be 19.24-, 17.11-, 6.08-fold higher in the same populations respectively, indicating the predominance of AChE and MFO towards imparting resistance. Carboxylesterase (CarE) and glutathion-S-transferase (GST) specific activity profiles were 3.62- and 3.37-fold higher in the Kovilnada population, followed by 2.89- and 2.98-fold higher in the Palappur population and as 2.10- and 1.15-fold higher in the Kanjikuzhi population, indicating their partial role in resistance development. Suppression of specific activities in synergism bioassays with AChE in chlorpyriphos + TPP treatment (9.32-fold), GST in chlorpyriphos + DEM (4.78-fold) and CarE in quinalphos + TPP (5.15-fold) highlighted the involvement of multiple detoxification enzymes conferring resistance to organophosphates. Reduced activity of MFO in case of lambda-cyhalothrin + PBO (5.35-fold), CarE in case of cypermethrin + TPP (7.36-fold) and 3.60-fold reduction in MFO in case of cypermethrin + PBO highlighted the role of esterases and MFOs towards resistance development against synthetic pyrethroids.
Detoxification Enzymes, Insecticide Resistance, Spodoptera litura, Synergists.
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