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Assessment of Level of Service for Urban Signalized Intersections in India

1 Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur 177 005, India
2 CSIR-Central Road Research Institute, New Delhi 110 002, India
3 Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology- Roorkee, Roorkee 247 667, India

Significant work on level of service (LOS) has been conducted around the globe over the last two decades. However, till date, no guidelines exist for LOS of signalized intersections in India. The present study attempts to introduce LOS criteria for signalized intersection under mixed traffic condition. Thirteen intersections from four different cities of India were chosen for this study. Delay at intersections (which is the backbone for deriving LOS) is estimated using the area estimation method (according to HCM 2010). Clustering technique (to be specific, K-mean clustering) has been used to classify six clusters of delay corresponding to six different LOS and arrive at a LOS criteria. Silhouette method has been employed to validate the proposed delay clusters. The silhouette indices obtained justify the proposed delay ranges corresponding to the clusters and indicate the possible implementation of the proposed LOS for rating the performance of signalized intersections of India.


Area Estimation Method, LOS, K-Mean Clustering, Signalized Intersection, User Perception Survey.
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  • Assessment of Level of Service for Urban Signalized Intersections in India

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Arpita Saha
Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur 177 005, India
Satish Chandra
CSIR-Central Road Research Institute, New Delhi 110 002, India
Indrajit Ghosh
Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology- Roorkee, Roorkee 247 667, India


Significant work on level of service (LOS) has been conducted around the globe over the last two decades. However, till date, no guidelines exist for LOS of signalized intersections in India. The present study attempts to introduce LOS criteria for signalized intersection under mixed traffic condition. Thirteen intersections from four different cities of India were chosen for this study. Delay at intersections (which is the backbone for deriving LOS) is estimated using the area estimation method (according to HCM 2010). Clustering technique (to be specific, K-mean clustering) has been used to classify six clusters of delay corresponding to six different LOS and arrive at a LOS criteria. Silhouette method has been employed to validate the proposed delay clusters. The silhouette indices obtained justify the proposed delay ranges corresponding to the clusters and indicate the possible implementation of the proposed LOS for rating the performance of signalized intersections of India.


Area Estimation Method, LOS, K-Mean Clustering, Signalized Intersection, User Perception Survey.
