A Rare Occurrence of 2n Gametes Functioning in Interspecific Crosses Involving Commercial Cultivar of Sugarcane (Co 89029) and Saccharum spontaneum L.
Functioning of n and 2n gametes in sugarcane is a cytogenetic peculiarity with specific crosses involving different species and genera of the Saccharum complex. The 2n + n transmission is predominant in crosses of S. officinarum and S. spontaneum, and this had earlier led to the success of the first evolved variety ‘Co 205’ in 1918. Exceptions of n + n gametes have also been reported later. However, transmission of 2n gametes in the crosses involving commercial varieties and S. spontaneum is a rare occurrence. Transmission of n + n is the major limitation in prebreeding of sugarcane for introgression of S. spontaneum (2n = 40–128) genome into commercial varieties as donor for incorporating pest and disease resistance, wider adaptability, high tillering, etc. The F1 progenies have to be backcrossed for several generations in varietal developmental programme1,2. Hence selection of hybrids with female restitution in wide crosses is highly advantageous in nobilization programme.
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- Bhat, S. R. and Gill, B. S., Euphytica, 1985, 34, 377–384.
- Roach, B. T., Proc. Int. Soc. Sugar Cane Technol., 1977, 16, 43–58.
- Kandasamy, P. A., Cytologia, 1961, 6(9), 117–123.

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