Possibility of Hydrological Connectivity between Manasarovar Lake and Gangotri Glacier
Considering the hydrological and religious significance of the Ganga River and the Manasarovar Lake in India, the present study has been devised to investigate the data related to the place of origin of the Ganges and to investigate the likely connection between waters of the two systems. Satellite data was employed to develop maps and find out the possibility of surface connectivity, whereas isotopic and chemical data, obtained from the field samplings and the published research literatures were used to investigate the possibility of subsurface connectivity of the Gangotri Glacier water with that of the Manasarovar Lake. Topographically, both the water systems are located in different catchment zones, separated by high mountain ridges; rejecting any possibility for the surface connectivity. Similarly, there are significant variations in isotopic and physiochemical properties of the water, suggesting no possibility of surface or sub-surface connectivity between water of the two systems.
Ganga River, Gangotri Glacier, Mansarovar Lake, Satellite Data, Stable Isotope.
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