Imaging Infrared Spectrometer onboard Chandrayaan-2 Orbiter
Imaging Infrared Spectrometer (IIRS) is an imaging hyperspectral instrument for mineralogy of the lunar surface (including the hydroxyl signature). IIRS operates in the 0.8–5 μm spectral range with about 250 contiguous bands. It has 80 m ground sampling distance and 20 km swath at nadir from 100 km orbit altitude. Optical design is based on fore-optics and Offner (convex multi-blazed grating)-type spectrometer. Focal plane array is HgCdTe (mercury–cadmium–telluride)- based actively cooled to 90 K, having 500 × 256 pixels format with 30 μm pixel size. Electronics comprises proximity, logic and control, power supply and cooler drive electronics. Mechanical system is realized to house various subsystems, namely optics, detector, electronics and thermal components meeting the structural, opto-mechanical thermal component and alignment requirements. Thermal system is designed such that the instrument is cooled and maintained at fixed temperature to reduce and control instrument background. Aluminum-based mirror, grating and housing are developed to maintain structural as well as opto-mechanical and thermal requirements. This article presents IIRS realization and spectroradoimetric performance.
Hyperspectral Imaging, Infrared Spectrometer, Moon, Orbiter.
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