Instrument for Lunar Seismic Activity Studies on Chandrayaan-2 Lander
Instrument for Lunar Seismic Activity Studies (ILSA) is a science payload with the objective of studying seismic activities at the landing site of Vikram, the Lander of Chandrayaan-2. ILSA will be deployed to the lunar surface by a specially built mechanism. It is an indigenously developed instrument based on microelectro mechanical systems technology. High sensitivity silicon micro-machined accelerometer is the heart of the instrument that measures ground acceleration due to lunar quakes. The instrument has the capability of resolving acceleration better than 100 nano-g Hz–1/2 up to a range of 0.5 g over bandwidth of 40 Hz. This paper presents the basic concepts in the design, realization, characterization and the performance test results of the space qualified strong motion seismic sensors.
Lunar Quakes, MEMS, Seismometer, Strong Motion Sensors.
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