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Smart Automatic Irrigation Controller
Adherence to outdated irrigation techniques causes massive water wastage. In this article, a device is prototyped to curtail this wastage of water by optimizing the irrigation requirements. The design, named smart automatic irrigation controller (SAIC) measures the necessary parameters and determines evapotranspiration (ET) loss. The fuzzy rule based design, evaluates the process variables and generates an output regulation to compensate for the water loss due to ET. The model has two units, viz. wireless sensor unit (WSU) and wireless information processing unit (WIPU) to perform the stated operations. The device is connected to a cloud server for data repository and remote access and control. The novelty of the model is the design of the fuzzy rule base in the controller that dictates the regulation of the actuators. The prototype is handy and industry-ready for mass-scale application and usage as it has shown very high accuracy in both simulation and during dry-run.
Agriculture, Automatic Controller, Evapo-Transpiration, Fuzzy Logic, Irrigation, Sensors, SIAC.
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