Model-Based Retrospective Estimates for Covid-19 Orcoronavirus in India: Continued Efforts Required to Contain the Virus Spread
India reported having 498 cases COVID-19 (including 40 foreign tourists) as of 23 March 2020 (ref. 1) and out of which 32 cases were recovered and 9 deaths occurred. The number of COVID-19 cases worldwide as of 23 March 2020, was 378,000 with 16,500 deaths2 . Overall more than 1.5 million passengers were screened at airports in India, 17,237 people were clinically tested for COVID-19 as of 22 March 2020 (ref. 1). Although the first case of COVID-19 was reported in India on 30 January 2020, for a student who has returned from Wuhan, China 3 , the confirmed cases started arising from the beginning of March. The government of India was quick to launch various levels of travel advisories beginning from 26 February 2020, with restrictions on travel to China and non-essential travel restrictions to Singapore, South Korea, Iran and Italy3 .
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