Simulated Wave Climate and Variability Over the North Indian Ocean
The wave parameters and long-term statistics of wave height are important parameters required for coastal/ offshore engineering design and analysis. The 20-year wave simulation has been carried out using MIKE-21 spectral wave model developed by the Danish Hydraulic Institute. The model was forced with the wind data from ECMWF operational archive wind data from 1998 to 2017. The MIKE C-MAP bathymetry data for less than 250 m depth in the North Indian Ocean and ETOPO1 for above 250 m depth were utilized for model bathymetry. The wave measurements available at various depths in the North Indian Ocean were utilized to validate model result. Wave parameters extracted at 27 locations at an interval of 1 degree at 25 m water depth were used for showing monthly variability of significant wave height, average wave period and mean wave direction. The extreme value analysis of significant wave height was carried out using Weibull analysis for 2, 5, 20 and 50 years return period. The maximum wave height of 5.7 m near Odisha coast in 50 years return period was calculated from the extreme value analysis.
Extreme Value Analysis, Numerical Model, Wave Direction, Wave Height, Wave Period.
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