Line-Source Field Dripper for the Measurement of in situ Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity Function
A line-source field dripper method based on steadystate solution of water flow from line-source water flow geometry is proposed for measuring unsaturated hydraulic conductivity function of the soil. The saturated hydraulic conductivity values obtained by linesource method were lower than those obtained by point-source field dripper method of Wooding and higher than the values obtained by inverse auger hole, constant head permeameter and infiltrometer methods for cultivated recently tilled normal soil, cultivated untilled normal soil, cultivated recently tilled sodic soil and uncultivated untilled sodic soil. The method is more reliable as it covers large soil volume.
Field Dripper, Infiltrometer, Line Source Method, Normal And Sodic Soil, Saturated And Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity.
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