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Modelling-Based Approach of Analysing Diversion Impacts A Case Study of The Brahmaputra Basin

1 Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati 781 039, India

Water resources management of the transboundary Brahmaputra river basin is challenging due to limited hydro-climatic information beyond the national boundary. The present study uses soil and water assessment tool (SWAT) to evaluate the likely impact on hydrology, due to water diversion activity. Adopting several scenarios of water diversion, simulation results of the SWAT hydrological model show a significant impact on streamflow along the downstream of a hypothetical reservoir at the Indo-China border. The monthly discharge at ‘Bhomoraguri’ reduces up to 15.77% against only 10% withdrawal. Besides, diversion would lead to a change in sediment discharge of the Brahmaputra.


Hydrological Model, River Basin, Streamflow, Water Diversion.
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  • Modelling-Based Approach of Analysing Diversion Impacts A Case Study of The Brahmaputra Basin

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Pulendra Dutta
Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati 781 039, India
Arup Kumar Sarma
Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati 781 039, India


Water resources management of the transboundary Brahmaputra river basin is challenging due to limited hydro-climatic information beyond the national boundary. The present study uses soil and water assessment tool (SWAT) to evaluate the likely impact on hydrology, due to water diversion activity. Adopting several scenarios of water diversion, simulation results of the SWAT hydrological model show a significant impact on streamflow along the downstream of a hypothetical reservoir at the Indo-China border. The monthly discharge at ‘Bhomoraguri’ reduces up to 15.77% against only 10% withdrawal. Besides, diversion would lead to a change in sediment discharge of the Brahmaputra.


Hydrological Model, River Basin, Streamflow, Water Diversion.
