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Onset Separation Aerodynamics of Crew Module from Crew Escape System

1 Wind Tunnel Data Division, and Synthesis Group, Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, Thiruvananthapuram 695 022, India
2 Aerodynamic Design and Synthesis Group, Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, Thiruvananthapuram 695 022, India
3 Cryo and Semicryo Subsystem Test Facilities, ISRO Propulsion Research Complex, Mahendragiri 627 133, India
4 Department of Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, India

Aerodynamic characteristics of Crew Module (CM) during its separation from the Crew Escape System (CES) are essential to carry out separation dynamics analysis for confirming collision-free separation. As CM is at the base of CES, it has to clear the complex wake flow that prevails in the aft region. A 1 : 10-scale wind tunnel model is tested at 45 m/s freestream velocity in Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru lowspeed tunnel. The interaction of CM with the base flows is studied for different attitude conditions in terms angle of attack, longitudinal and lateral movements. Results indicate that CM is recovered from forebody influence beyond X/D = 2, and it experiences reverse flow till it moves to X/D = 1.4D. Stability characteristics of CM are also analysed.


Aerodynamics, Crew Models, Crew Escape System, Stability Characteristics, Wind Tunnel.
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  • Onset Separation Aerodynamics of Crew Module from Crew Escape System

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R. Saravanan
Wind Tunnel Data Division, and Synthesis Group, Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, Thiruvananthapuram 695 022, India
J. A. Tennyson
Wind Tunnel Data Division, and Synthesis Group, Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, Thiruvananthapuram 695 022, India
S. L. N. Desikan
Wind Tunnel Data Division, and Synthesis Group, Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, Thiruvananthapuram 695 022, India
M. M. Patil
Aerodynamic Design and Synthesis Group, Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, Thiruvananthapuram 695 022, India
R. Kalimuthu
Cryo and Semicryo Subsystem Test Facilities, ISRO Propulsion Research Complex, Mahendragiri 627 133, India
Department of Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, India


Aerodynamic characteristics of Crew Module (CM) during its separation from the Crew Escape System (CES) are essential to carry out separation dynamics analysis for confirming collision-free separation. As CM is at the base of CES, it has to clear the complex wake flow that prevails in the aft region. A 1 : 10-scale wind tunnel model is tested at 45 m/s freestream velocity in Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru lowspeed tunnel. The interaction of CM with the base flows is studied for different attitude conditions in terms angle of attack, longitudinal and lateral movements. Results indicate that CM is recovered from forebody influence beyond X/D = 2, and it experiences reverse flow till it moves to X/D = 1.4D. Stability characteristics of CM are also analysed.


Aerodynamics, Crew Models, Crew Escape System, Stability Characteristics, Wind Tunnel.