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Dominance of Natural Aerosols Over India In Pre-Monsoon: Inferences From the Lockdown Effects
Changes in absorbing and composite aerosols over India during the first phase of lockdown are examined, using multi-satellite observations. While MODIS shows –16.17 1.35% reduction in AOD over the Indian landmass, OMI shows a decrease of –22.4 1.36% (–26.2 1.17%) in AOD (AAOD). Considerable fraction of this AOD difference is contributed by the changes in aerosols at higher altitudes. While reduc-tion in AOD of –38.05 1.06% (–39.4 1.12), –23.02 2.63% (–17.08 2.12) and –18.98 2.86% (–28.38 2.39%) is observed over IGP, Northwest and Southern Peninsula respectively from MODIS (OMI), enhance-ment in AOD of 5.16 2.44% (6.82 2.86%) is seen over Centralwest India. Reduction in absorbing aero-sols over IGP is –39.18 1.25%, whereas that over Southern Peninsula is –33.1 2.03%. These changes are significantly contributed by the changes in dust aerosols, in addition to the decrease in anthropogenic aerosols. Though there is a reduction in aerosol load-ing, compared to previous years, gradual increase in AOD and AAOD is seen even during the lockdown period due to strengthening of dust transport. More-over, the reduction in total (absorbing) aerosol load-ing over India during the lockdown phase is only 20% (26%), with significant contribution from higher alti-tudes, even in the absence of major anthropogenic sources. These results show the dominance of natural aerosols over India during pre-monsoon.
Absorbing Aerosols, Anthropogenic Aero-sols, COVID-19, Dust, Forest Fire, Lockdown, Natural Aero-sols.
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