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Application of electrical resistivity tool to monitor soil contamination by herbicide
The interpretation of the resistivity method depends on acquired resistivity contrast between the contaminated object and the host matrix. The present attempt reports preliminary understanding of the sensitivity of resistivity method to monitor herbicide 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) contamination in order to produce a reference dataset to develop a geophysical method to monitor soil bioremediation of herbicidecontaminated soil. Laboratory level experiments were carried out to define the correlation between herbicide concentration (Hc) and resistivity in non-polarizable (milli q double distilled water of 5.9 μs/cm EC) and sandy soil matrix. The results confirm that the resistivity method can be used for the purpose of monitoring herbicide by adopting formation factor as 2.5 for the sandy soil matrix. The results indicate that moisture content of soil affects the resistivity parameter and it should be considered in the interpretation of data.
Agriculture geophysics, contamination, electrical resistivity method, herbicide.
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