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Multi-Hazard Analysis and Design Guidelines: Recommendations for Structure And Infrastructure Systems in The Indian Context

1 Multi-Hazard Protective Structures (MHPS) Laboratory, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110 016, India

The interdependencies between various risks imposed by natural as well as accidental/man-made hazards demand a holistic design approach to ensure structural safety through multi-hazard engi-neering. In this regard, the present article provides guidelines and recommendations for design of structure and infrastructure systems under multi-hazard scenarios of natural and accidental/man-made hazards, specifically in the Indian context. The need and relevance of multi-hazard analysis and design of structures are elaborated, and key design strategies during design (service) life for normal civil engineering structures as well as critical infrastructure and facilities are recommended for major regions of India experiencing multiple hazards.


Design Guidelines, Multi-Hazard Analysis, Natural and Man-Made Hazards, Structure and Infrastructure Systems.
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  • Multi-Hazard Analysis and Design Guidelines: Recommendations for Structure And Infrastructure Systems in The Indian Context

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Tathagata Roy
Multi-Hazard Protective Structures (MHPS) Laboratory, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110 016, India
Vasant Matsagar
Multi-Hazard Protective Structures (MHPS) Laboratory, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110 016, India


The interdependencies between various risks imposed by natural as well as accidental/man-made hazards demand a holistic design approach to ensure structural safety through multi-hazard engi-neering. In this regard, the present article provides guidelines and recommendations for design of structure and infrastructure systems under multi-hazard scenarios of natural and accidental/man-made hazards, specifically in the Indian context. The need and relevance of multi-hazard analysis and design of structures are elaborated, and key design strategies during design (service) life for normal civil engineering structures as well as critical infrastructure and facilities are recommended for major regions of India experiencing multiple hazards.


Design Guidelines, Multi-Hazard Analysis, Natural and Man-Made Hazards, Structure and Infrastructure Systems.
