Analysis of the Determinants of Service Headway Variability at Tollbooths Under Mixed Traffic Scenario in Emerging Countries
This study makes an effort to model service-headway distribution at manually operated toll plazas (MTC) under mixed traffic conditions. To identify the most suitable probability distribution among the selected candidate distributions, Kolmogorov–Smirnov, Ander-son–Darling, and chi-squared tests were performed. It was found that the generalized extreme value (GEV) was the most suited distribution for modelling service-headway distribution at tollbooths. The results show that GEV distribution parameters can capture possi-ble variations in service headway at tollbooths under MTC reasonably well. The study results can also be used for capacity and level-of-service estimation and the development of warrants for converting MTC to electronic lanes.
Generalized Extreme Value, Mixed Traffic Conditions, Probability Distribution, Service Headway, Shape Factor, Tollbooth.
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