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Transformation of Arsenic by Indigenous Soil Microbes as Affected by Phosphorus and Arsenic

1 Department of Agriculture, Government of West Bengal, Jalpaiguri 735 101, India
2 ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Sikkim Centre, Gangtok 737 102, India

Highly arsenic-polluted soil (16.5 mg kg–1) of West Bengal, India, was used for isolation, screening and identification of indigenous soil microbes. Citrobacter koseri significantly removed (7.6) and bioaccumulated (4.95) highest arsenic in P15As15 treatment, while loss (2.9) was higher in P10As15. Similarly, Pseudomonas putida significantly removed (7.4) and bioaccumulate (4.8) highest as in P15As15 and while loss (2.8) was higher in P10As15. Percentage removal of As was 47–59, bioaccumulation was 29–38 and loss 17–23 with Citrobacter sp., while it was 47–58% (removal), 29–39% (bioaccumulation) and 17–21% (loss) with Pseudomonas putida. Maximum removal and bioaccumulation of phosphorus was 37.8% and 32.1% respectively, for P10As15 in Citrobacter sp. In P. putida it was 33.1% and 27.2% respectively, for P10As15. At the same level of arsenic, increase in phosphorus significantly increased its removal and bioaccumulation, but the opposite was true during calculation in terms of percentage removal and percentage bioaccumulation.


Arsenic, Bioaccumulation, Citrobacter, Phosphorus, Pseudomonas.
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  • Transformation of Arsenic by Indigenous Soil Microbes as Affected by Phosphorus and Arsenic

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Suvo Kr. Das
Department of Agriculture, Government of West Bengal, Jalpaiguri 735 101, India
Shaon Kumar Das
ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Sikkim Centre, Gangtok 737 102, India


Highly arsenic-polluted soil (16.5 mg kg–1) of West Bengal, India, was used for isolation, screening and identification of indigenous soil microbes. Citrobacter koseri significantly removed (7.6) and bioaccumulated (4.95) highest arsenic in P15As15 treatment, while loss (2.9) was higher in P10As15. Similarly, Pseudomonas putida significantly removed (7.4) and bioaccumulate (4.8) highest as in P15As15 and while loss (2.8) was higher in P10As15. Percentage removal of As was 47–59, bioaccumulation was 29–38 and loss 17–23 with Citrobacter sp., while it was 47–58% (removal), 29–39% (bioaccumulation) and 17–21% (loss) with Pseudomonas putida. Maximum removal and bioaccumulation of phosphorus was 37.8% and 32.1% respectively, for P10As15 in Citrobacter sp. In P. putida it was 33.1% and 27.2% respectively, for P10As15. At the same level of arsenic, increase in phosphorus significantly increased its removal and bioaccumulation, but the opposite was true during calculation in terms of percentage removal and percentage bioaccumulation.


Arsenic, Bioaccumulation, Citrobacter, Phosphorus, Pseudomonas.
